
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Fernanda Mitsue Soares;Mafra” ,找到相关结果约17468条。
Autogest?o e subjetividade: interfaces e desafios na vis?o de especialistas da ANTEAG, UNISOL e UNITRABALHO
Onuma, Fernanda Mitsue Soares;Mafra, Flávia Luciana Naves;Moreira, Lilian Barros;
Cadernos EBAPE.BR , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-39512012000100006
Abstract: according to its mainstream approach, management has turned organizations into hierarchical forms of organization and work management. by denying its political and ideological dimensions, the management theory has become part of the business concerns, teaching professionals how to act according to an instrumental rationality. in counterpoint to this scenario of injustice and exploitation, self-management arises, a form of management that is democratic and non-hierarchical, despite the drawbacks that still remain. the goal of this work is to understand the challenges that the workers who chose to work under the self-management concept face. we interviewed specialists from three organizations - anteag, unisol and unitrabalho. the interviews were analyzed through the method of content analysis. for these professionals, self-management implies a need for a change in the subjectivity in the workers, who are used to a hierarchical and non-democratic kind of work. we argue that in order to understand the difficulty of implementing self-management in organizations, a concept of subjectivity that embraces not only the individual but also the collective feature should be adopted. the concept of subjectivity as being both individual and collective suggests that the challenges encountered in the practice of self-management are deeper than they first appear to be, although they might be solved sooner than we think.
Steroidal saponin concentrations in Brachiaria decumbens and B. brizantha at different developmental stages
Brum, Karine Bonucielli;Haraguchi, Mitsue;Garutti, Mirella Biasoli;Nóbrega, Fernanda Nogarol;Rosa, Beneval;Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda Soares;
Ciência Rural , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-84782008005000034
Abstract: brachiaria species contain steroidal saponins and are involved in outbreaks of hepatogenous photosensitization. this research presents the levels of a steroidal saponin, protodioscin, in the seeds and aerial parts of b. brizantha and b. decumbens during different developmental stages (growth, bloom, fructification and seed fall). the butanolic fraction of the ethanolic extract of each stage was submitted to thin layer chromatography (tlc) and spectrophotometric analysis through the ehrlich reagent in 515nm. the chromatograms in tlc of the butanolic fraction of b. brizantha and b. decumbens showed similar spots as the protodioscin standard. the estimated level of protodioscin isomers in b. brizantha and b. decumbens ranged from 0.5% to 2.1%, having the highest level at the end of their developmental stages during seed falling comparison with the previous one. protodioscin was not detected in the seeds. outbreaks of brachiaria spp. poisoning in central western brazil are frequently observed in pastures that had been more than 30 days without animals grazing, and also during the growing or blooming stage of the pastures. other saponin determinations in toxic and non toxic pastures are necessary to determine the saponin concentrations that cause intoxication.
Características das intera??es entre alunos com Síndrome de Down e seus colegas de turma no sistema regular de ensino
Teixeira, Fernanda Cascaes;Kubo, Olga Mitsue;
Revista Brasileira de Educa??o Especial , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-65382008000100007
Abstract: the inclusion of people with special needs into regular schools is one of the most important challenges that teachers, predominantly, have to face and deal with. studies about characteristics of interaction among students with and without special needs will make it possible to implement planned actions in order to promote affective relationships among people with and without special needs, enhancing the understanding of the social repercussions. the participants of this study were 103 classmates of down syndrome students of a regular school in a city in the south of the country. the participants answered a questionnaire with structured questions and indicated the name of, at the most, 3 classmates in the following categories: friend; non-friend; will go to college and won't go to college. it was observed that the higher the academic development and degree of participation in the school activities, the greater the possibility of the students with down syndrome being considered a friend by his classmates. even though they participated in the same activities and might present an academic development level similar to that of their classmates, their peers revealed negative expectations about the down syndrome colleagues' going to college. in none of the investigated categories (friend; non-friend; will go to college and won't go to college) did the students with the syndrome receive the highest number of indications. this means that there are students in the researched classrooms who are recognized more by their classmates, whether positively or negatively, than the ones who have down syndrome.
Aulas compartilhadas na forma??o de licenciandos em matemática
Soares, Eduardo Sarquis;Goulart, Maria Inês Mafra;
Revista Brasileira de Educa??o , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-24782008000200009
Abstract: this article describes and analyses an experience which was part of a student teacher training course involving four mathematics students from the federal university of minas gerais (ufmg), the lecturer of the practice of teaching in mathematics and a teacher and students from the seventh grade of elementary education. the student teachers planned two geometry classes and shared their position as teachers with other teachers. the practice of shared classes follows a theoretical methodological approach known in the academic literature as "co-teaching". the classes were videotaped and one episode was selected for detailed analysis. analysis took place in three sessions, with the participation of all the students and teachers. the results show the importance of learning from practice and suggest that co-teaching is a fertile way to improve teachers' practice.
Aulas compartilhadas na forma o de licenciandos em matemática
Eduardo Sarquis Soares,Maria Inês Mafra Goulart
Revista Brasileira de Educa??o , 2008,
Abstract: Este artículo describe y analiza una experiencia incluida en el proceso de formación de alumnos de licenciatura. Son sujetos de la pesquisa cuatro licenciados de matemáticas de la Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), el profesor de práctica de ense anza de matemáticas de la misma universidad, la profesora y los alumnos de una clase del octavo a o de la ense anza primaria. Los licenciados planearon dos clases de geometría y compartieron la posición de profesor con los demás profesores. Después de compartir las clases siguió una propuesta teórica metodológica, coteaching, difundida en la literatura académica. Las clases fueron filmadas y un episodio fue seleccionado para análisis posteriores. En tres sesiones separadas, los análisis incluyeron todos los sujetos participantes. Los resultados obtenidos destacan la importancia de aprendizajes que sólo ocurren en la actuación práctica y sugiere la utilización de la metodología de manera más amplia en la formación de profesores.
Cultural Sensitivity of Japanese Nurses: Exploring Clinical Application of the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale  [PDF]
Tomiko Toda, Mitsue Maru
Open Journal of Nursing (OJN) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2018.89048
Abstract: Unlike Western countries, Asian countries have a brief history of caring for patients with various cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Healthcare professionals face difficulty in providing care to foreign patients. Presumably, those with higher cultural sensitivity possess higher cultural competency, and cultural indicators are associated with personal factors, such as interest in or learning experience of foreign languages. We examined correlations between Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) and Cultural Competence in Nursing Scale (CCNS) scores in Japanese nurses and discussed implications of our findings in increasing cultural sensitivity in countries with limited exposure to foreign culture. A questionnaire survey on ISS, CCNS, and personal factors was conducted among 156 nurses. Correlations among the two scales and personal factors were analyzed. Total ISS scores were comparable with previously reported scores. ISS and CCNS scores were moderately correlated. ISS subscale scores were moderately correlated with the learning experience of foreign languages. Nurses most commonly learned English; most foreign patients were Chinese. Experiences of providing care to foreign patients were not related to cultural sensitivity. The lowest ISS score was obtained in “interaction confidence” subscale. Languages used by foreign patients did not match languages that nurses had interest in or had learned; this may contribute to their low confidence in interacting with foreigners. Nurses in a country with limited exposure to different cultures need educational intervention for providing care to foreigners regardless of their cultural experiences. ISS may be useful to identify nurses who need further education to foster confidence while interacting with foreigners.
An Exploration of the Relationship between Maternal and Child Factors Contributing to Child Abuse  [PDF]
Yuko Harding, Mitsue Nakamura
Open Journal of Nursing (OJN) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2020.1010070
Abstract: Background: There are many reports in the mass media and scientific literature about child abuse caused by parents. Medical practitioners also are concerned about child abuse and need to grapple with the prevention and early detection of child abuse when working in medical facilities. Aim: The aim of this descriptive study was to explore the relationship between maternal and child factors contributing to child abuse. Methods: A sample of 50 multiparas (mothers with more than 1 child) in a 48-bed postpartum hospital unit in Okinawa prefecture were asked to fill out an anonymous questionnaire regarding the relationship between mothers and their first child in September, 2007. The questionnaire contained 30 items of physical punishment that are quoted from “The Handbook of Correspondence to Child Abuse” (Ministry of Health, Labor and welfare in Japan), 24 items relating to maternal factors and 22 items to child factors, plus items related to mothers’ satisfaction with the health guidance given in the hospital. Data were analyzed using JMP (ver. 14.2; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, U.S.). The significance level was set at 0.05. Results: Forty-one (82%) questionnaires were analyzed. Of the 41 valid responses, 19 mothers reported abusing their children. Child factors contributing to the abuse included the first child’s regression to infantile behavior, bullying younger brothers or sisters and being rough and violent to their friends. The significant maternal factor leading to abuse was the belief that mothers were irritated by their child. Conclusion: A first child’s developmental difficulties had a significant relationship with the harsh punishment by their mothers. The mothers need to understand their child’s developmental behavior and provide a favorable environment for nurturing young children.
Maria Fernanda Soares Macedo
Revista da SJRJ , 2013,
Abstract: O presente artigo aborda a importancia da participa o da vitima na resolu o de conflitos e infra es penais, sob o prisma da justi a restaurativa. Trata-se de um novo paradigma, fundamentado na cultura do diálogo e da pacifica o entre ofensor e ofendido. A solu o dos conflitos abrange n o só o campo jurídico, mas, também, diversas áreas, como a educacional e a familiar. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Justi a restaurativa. Direito Processual Penal. Participa o da vítima. Resolu o dos conflitos. ABSTRACT: This article discusses the importance of the victim participation in conflict resolutions, through the prism of restorative justice. This is a new paradigm, based on a culture of pacification between offender and offended. The solution of the conflict includes not only the legal sphere, but also many areas, for example, the education and family areas. KEYWORDS: Restorative justice. Criminal Procedural Law. Victim participation. Conflict resolution.
A forma??o do professor para o ensino superior: prática docente com alunos com deficiência visual
Reis, Michele Xavier dos;Eufrásio, Daniela Aparecida;Bazon, Fernanda Vilhena Mafra;
Educa??o em Revista , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-46982010000100006
Abstract: in spite of the existence of countless policies assuring impaired students access to the regular educational process, barriers are found preventing the consolidation of the mentioned process. the professor educational background is pointed out as an expressive cause to the failure of the student in the educational process. so far, the objective of the present research was to analyze the professor educational background concerning visually impaired people within the university system. the present theme is relevant considering that few studies have been dedicated to the inclusion process at advanced education. in order to understand the teaching process as a unique and diverse phenomenon, the methodology applied was qualitative and five professors, teaching biological sciences - graduated from a public university in the southern of minas gerais, were selected. semi-structured interviews were conducted with the subjects of the research, with a view to assess the professor's training and teaching experience towards students with visual impairments. the end results evidenced that countless barriers are found in the inclusion process, mainly due to the flaws on the academic background process besides the professor's attitude in the classroom.
Polymorphism of the estrogen receptor β gene is related to infertility and infertility-associated endometriosis
Zulli, Karina;Bianco, Bianca;Mafra, Fernanda Abani;Teles, Juliana Souto;Christofolini, Denise Maria;Barbosa, Caio Parente;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27302010000600010
Abstract: objective: to determine the frequency of the estrogen receptor b gene (erβ) +1730 g/a polymorphism in infertile women with and without endometriosis and controls. subjects and methods: case-control study that included 136 women with endometriosis, 69 women without endometriosis and 209 fertile women as controls. the erβ gene + 1730 g/a polymorphism was identified by rflp-pcr (restriction fragment length polymorphism - polymerase chain reaction). results: genotypes gg, ga and aa of the erβ gene presented frequencies of 60.3%, 38.2% and 1.5%, respectively, in the women with endometriosis (p < 0.0022). of the infertile women without endometriosis, 63.8% presented the normal homozygous genotype gg, 30.4% the ga heterozygous genotype, and 5.8% the homozygous mutated genotype aa (p < 0.0275). in the control group, 77.5% presented the normal homozygous genotype gg, 21.1% the heterozygous genotype ga, and 1.4% the homozygous mutated genotype aa. conclusion: the data suggest that the estrogen receptor β gene (erβ) +1730 g/a polymorphism can be associated with risk of infertility and endometriosis-associated infertility.

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